Hardware Component

A subclass ofHardwareComponentshould implement two methodsSense()andActuate(). These classes provide a connection between the simulator (ARGoS in our case) and the RoboChart model. An extension of HardwareComponentfunction is as follows:

#include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/control_interface/ci_epuck_wheels_actuator.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/control_interface/ci_epuck_base_leds_actuator.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/control_interface/ci_epuck_rgb_leds_actuator.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/control_interface/ci_epuck_proximity_sensor.h>
#include <argos3/plugins/robots/e-puck/control_interface/ci_epuck_light_sensor.h>

using namespace argos;

class HardwareComponent {

    HardwareComponent() {}
    virtual ~HardwareComponent() {}
    virtual void Sense() = 0;
    virtual void Actuate() = 0;

    // Sensors
    CCI_EPuckProximitySensor* proximity_sensor_epuck;
    CCI_EPuckLightSensor* light_sensor_epuck;

    // Actuators
    CCI_EPuckWheelsActuator* wheels_actuator;
    CCI_EPuckBaseLEDsActuator* base_leds_actuator;

In this function, the model (sensors and actuators) of the robot (e-puck in our case) is defined.


The interface class implements the HardwareComponent class. For a particular implementation, the Sense() function needs to be expanded to check whether the events happen or not. In our example, it is obstacle. The Actuate()function needs to be expanded to set the motor of the robot. For example, for differential wheeled robot, the Actuate()function will set the left and right speed of the robot.

Robotic Platform

The hardware specific operations, variables and events of the robotic platform can be either grouped in interfaces or defined inside the platform. If the operations and/or variables are grouped in interfaces, a robotic platform should provides (represented by a symbol P in the RoboChart diagram) these interfaces. These operations grouped in the interfaces can then be used later in the controller or state machine. In order to use the operations, the controller/state machine need to require (represented by a symbol R in the RoboChart diagram) the interfaces provided by a robotic platform. Therefore, in the simulation, the controller/state machine class needs to have a reference of the robotic platform class.

A robotic platform also defines (represented by a symbol i in the diagram) interfaces that group events. Note that the operations and events can not be grouped in the same interface. The events are connected between different components using directional arrow to exchange message. The implementation of a robotic platform must extend Interface subclasses.

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